"Each step forward has a sacred meaning of its own" Sri Chinmoy
2 Mile Race, Budva, Monte Negro, December 2017

The unbridled optimism of the 1 mile race was tempered a bit by stiffness in my dodgy calf the next day (after a 3 mile run at steady pace with Daulot along the bay at Petrovac and some steps up to the headland - too much too soon?). It was nothing serious but it did mean I had to run/jog cautiously at the next race instead of stepping up the pace as planned. Oh well, I have had to walk these races before so to be running was a bonus in some respects! It's all relative...
I didn't have a target pace in mind but just ran at what felt comfortable - once again I was in the company of Sundar and Pulak among others and as they were stepping up the pace to shace seconds off their time I was slowing down to avoid overloading my niggly leg muscles.
As ever it was great to be part of the race and cheer the other finishers as they came in - I cooled down with a jog along the headland path towards Budva and snapped this shot of the second race (boys raced first on this occasion, with a separate girl's race after, to avoid overloading the course) from across the corner of the bay. You can just see the colourful procession of runners heading off if you zoom in...
So, not in race shape but still able to run at least, I found myself about just under 1 week out from a 10k, feeling sure I could at least jog it - either with Kokila or maybe with the Peace Run team. Lets see what happens...
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